Acquainting Agriculture Year A High School Level
The vision for the “Acquainting Agriculture - Grow to Know” Him program is to connect the students to their Creator through hands-on experience in their gardens. God will be their teacher and the garden will be His classroom. Our prayer is that the students will be able to connect with God in a way they have never done before and that they learn the skills necessary to start and run their own gardens for His glory. We use simple, inexpensive, proven methods to grow during the academic school year and to equip students to grow in the future. We hope you enjoy using these weekly lesson plans (30 lessons) as you teach your students to "Grow to Know Him." Each lesson includes a relevant devotional thought, science lesson, health lesson, activities, detailed illustrations, and a place for notes to record thoughts. The ideal setting is to take your students outdoors and use the majority of the time for hands-on activities. So that you have the freedom to get as messy as you dare, the books will be a waterproof field guide that can be wiped off and be as good as new. https://www.acquaintingagriculture.org/high-school
Category: Children and Youth
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