Amazing Facts Ministries Inc. Canada

Amazing Facts Ministries in Canada

About Amazing Facts Ministries

Amazing Facts Ministry is a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the entire world through television, radio, literature, live Bible and prophecy events, the internet, and evangelism.

Our vision is to proudly proclaim God’s word in such a distinct and compelling way that millions will accept Christ and follow Him.

Canada is the second largest country in the world, with a population of only 33 million. Its population density is among the lowest in the world. And we must use the media to reach those people spread across this great country of ours.

People from all over the world live in Canada; 16% of Canadians are immigrants. We have two official languages; English and French, but at the same time other non-official languages are widely used in Canada such as: Chinese, Punjabi, Italian, German and Russian.

We have many religions as well.  It is to bring Jesus to peoples who know Him not that Amazing Facts Ministries is dedicated.

Our core ministry beliefs can be summarized in the following ways:
1. The Bible is God’s Word, the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian.
2. Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and is man’s only Savior.
3. Salvation comes as a free gift of grace through the shed blood of Jesus.
4. God calls believers to accept Christ not only as their Savior from sin, but also as the Lord and ruler of their lives. The Bible provides lifestyle principles so that believers can rightly represent their Lord.
5. Bible prophecy reveals that we are living in the last days and that Jesus is soon to return.

Amazing Facts Ministries never wants seekers to simply take our word for what the Bible teaches, so we produce many Christian resources for study that are faithfully backed up with Scripture and other references. We want you to make up your own mind, so we will never use manipulative techniques to get you to believe as we do. We respect you as a free moral agent.

Brief History

Amazing Facts was founded in 1966 by Joe Crews. His original objective for Amazing Facts was to reach out to both Christian and non-Christian listeners via daily 15-minute programs by opening with a scientific or historic fact and how it applies to the overall messages in the Bible. In 1987 Amazing Facts expanded into television programming and evangelism prophecy seminars, led out by the team of trained evangelists working for the ministry. Since then, Amazing Facts established a Bible correspondence school serving 60 thousand students each year. With the advancement of the internet in the 90’s Amazing Facts launched websites and online Bible schools.

In 2000, Amazing Facts Canada was formed and began broadcasting programs to millions of people across the nation. Every week we receive heartwarming stories how Amazing Facts Ministries is changing lives for eternity.

As of this year, 2011, in compliance of the Canadian Government requirements, we have begun a new corporation which takes over from Amazing Facts Canada.  Our new name is Amazing Facts Ministries.  We will carry on with the same Television and Radio programming which we have been doing with Amazing Facts Canada.  The required changes that we are having to make will not change nor hinder the work we are doing in Canada.  Things will carry on as usual.

The Canadian Government does not want this organization to have projects outside of Canada so we will no longer be able to send funds to third world countries.   They however do not object to you donating through ADRA (Adventist Disaster and Relief Agency) so if you wish to assist with third world projects we would suggest you go through them.

We are working toward some projects that will be fulfilled right here in this vast mission field of Canada.
Just a few of these projects are as follows:
– AFCOE program in Canada
– Canada Bible School
– VIRAL Project: Biblical Media Messages on our web-site and Social Networking Sites
– We hope to be able to acquire more contracts with additional TV and Radio Stations
– Evangelism is an ongoing project
– If you have an idea that you think would have a spiritual impact on peoples’ hearts, we welcome your ideas

Join us

If you have a heart for evangelism and want to help reach people with the gospel message, please prayerfully consider how you might participate in this ministry.  We are using every avenue available to bring Jesus and His love within reach of the lost. We are committed to reach as many souls as we can with the everlasting gospel before Jesus returns. If you believe in this mission, we ask you to help support Amazing Facts Ministries. But rest assured we are here to serve you, and we will never beg or manipulate you for your support.

God’s Message is Our Mission


Amazing Facts Ministries Canada

P.O. Box 449
Creston, BC, V0B 1G0

Toll Free: 1-888-402-6070
Phone: 250-402-6070
Fax: 250-428-9993

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm


We hope that you have been blessed by the Amazing Facts Ministries website.

Amazing Facts Canada is a registered charity in Canada.
If you are a Canadian and would like to receive a proper tax deduction, please send your donations to our Canadian address above.

Amazing Facts USA

P.O. Box 1058
Roseville, CA 95678-8058

Phone: (916) 434-3880
Fax: (916) 434-3889
Donor Relations: (877) 506-1751
Order Dept.: (800) 538-7275

Office Hours: 8:30am-6:00pm
Pacific Time (Monday-Thursday)

Visit Amazing Facts USA Website